Method of Action
Exploration Work
Chores can be pleasant
I lost my jacket, again
My performance review
Third Culture Kid
A deficit of attention
My 45th birthday
Avoidants are hopeless
The eight secrets to a (fairly) fulfilled life
My valentine's day
A dream, interpreted by ChatGPT
Courage to change
Notebook self-therapy
My first day at the journalistic chronicle workshop.
ChatGPT can read my handwriting
The weekend
A conflict and a dream
I don't want to get married
A weekend of sleep
A subjective description of illness
Smoking, and getting to know me in x questions
A relapse
Biological free will
Looking back and forward from 2024
A corrupt police officer, part two
A corrupt police officer, part one
Late at night, considering writing fiction
Christmas gifts
I miss having all the time in the world
What was salient this week
Games people should play
Public transport: Diego de León
On regret
I'm not willing to explore some things (yet)
My morning commute
A report on Extremadura
Public transport: Guzmán el Bueno
An unplanned trip to extremadura
Be patient, wild man
Why should we care about being mindful?
The hydra
Group conversation dynamics
What seemed unusual in your morning community today?
Kagi summarizes this website
Journaling the last few days
A questionaire about water and the camino
Some impressions from the weekend
Perfect Days
Victims and heroes
What is the opposite of you?
Flurry of activity
A report on a design conference
First day at work
Step nine
I'm staying in Madrid
Step eight
A conversation with a friend from the park
A conversation with a former Sufi master
Step seven
Meeting with Ángel
Step six
I had forgotten how much I like Madrid
Step four
Step three
Step Two
Step One
Monday in Madrid
Sunday in Madrid
Leaving Barcelona
Today's meditation
From the library
Tempted to inculpate a thief
Locked outside with something on the stove
Four things that came forward when I sat down to write
A relapse
Just another daily journal entry
A perplexing optimism
When loss is gain
Somatic explorations
Considering a sidequest
Introverting into the body
Considering a time-out
Today, inside my mind
A relapse
Some questions for ChatGPT during my walk
Finding how to do things out of the ordinary
Eccentric work
A plan for work | Thinking and feeling
Back in Barcelona
Puente la Reina → Pamplona: the sage
Monreal → Puente la Reina: recharging magical items
Sangüesa → Monreal: time to restore professional hope
Ruesta → Sangüesa
Arrés → Ruesta: Meeting the other
Santa Cilia → Arrés: there is only one language
Ena → Santa Cilia: Meeting the other
Sarsamacuello → Ena: On lying
Bolea → Sarsamacuello: intentional attention
Huesca → Bolea: Dionysian work
Antillón → Huesca: Embodied morality
Berbegal → Antillón
Monzón → Berbegal: today everyone was a friend
Monzón, day 1
Tamarite de Litera → Monzón: an adventure off the camino
Algerri → Tamarite de litera: walking meditation
Balaguer → Algerri: my voice
Tárrega → Balaguer: gratitude
Cervera → Tárrega: debugging mode
Cervera day 1: looking for my friends
Igualada → Cervera: Today is a better day to get things done.
Igualada, arriving
Promises, constraints and inventory for this walk
Status update
How should we go on a spiritual journey?
Another letter to a friend
Three experiences from yesterday
Idle at the bank
Exploring how to share my body
Waiting to walk
The smile of a child
My mother's blessing
I must prepare my walk
Uploading photos from my phone
Back home
Castellolí → Igualada
Montserrat → Castellolí
I’m walking again
Expectation of outcome
I left my job
The heckler and the pacifier
Feeling change vs thinking chage
The first salsa lesson
Arc de Triomf
A sunday afternoon of dance and exercise
Chapter Barcelona
A visit to my grandparents
A dream about being late
Admiring beauty on March 8th
Imagining poetry
A strange dream
Homo Faber
A work pre-flight checklist
My ideal life ten years ago
The fog is lifting
The flow of conversations
The bottom of lake melancholy
Playing the game
What precedes thought?
Losing your storyline
Friends and conversation topics
Home mood disorder
Meeting my gym crush again
Coming back home
A flirt
Retracing footsteps
Questions on jealousy
A bacchanal
A baby, singing and zumba
Soul and body work
Clouds parting
Casual relationships
An embarrassment
Victoria, BC.
Thinking about the future (for a change)
Interceding in a couple's dispute
A last update on Steve (for this year)
A dream about work
Observing painful pricks
This is not my experience
Delivering out of need, delivering out of pleasure
Stream of thought at the clinic
Clinical studies
Light the straw man on fire
Everything will be fine
My bixi was stolen
Nina consoles me in a dream
The forbidden fruit
Current threads weaving
Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied
I lost my phone
A hostel follow-up
J's father
A stabbing at the hostel
Update on dancing
Making war to bring peace
We experience ourselves at the center of the universe
Breaking the law
How to remove a bad habit
Clinical studies
Sometimes procrastination happens for a reason
Language and politics
Straight man goes to Pride, doesn't know how to have fun
Asking for help and helping yourself
Understanding rejection
Jobs and status
A wallet is found
Smothering anger through understanding
Moving into a room
My flaws
An archetypical musician encountered again
A brief update from the library
A sale, a yoga class and a concert
Three more weeks in Montreal
Moving work
Memory and meaning
Anxiety and confidence workshop
Hipster or homeless
First day off from dancing
Weekend dancing report
Two poems
Dancing ballads
Dissonant intuitions
Insights of the night
In the flow
Sunday dance report
A leisure log
Les Francos de Montreal
Just dance
Polishing silver
Fear and skating
A work log
Saturday night
A terrible hangover
Trying BJJ as spiritual homework
A young, homeless woman
The engineering ring
Each part must love every other part
God creates without effort
A psychomagical outfit
My grandmother's funeral
On the appreciation of human beauty
Visiting the food bank
Free time exists in opposition to locked up time
Eulogy for my grandmother's funeral
Alexander and the gymnosophists
There is h0p3
Chat GPT's interview on spirituality
Interview with Chat GPT
Contrarian sensations explored
I have COVID
Two years later, I speak to my gym crush
Thoughts into action
A sacred gift
Eye contact at the beach, redux
Eye contact at the beach
Overriding personal agency
God is watching over us
Sleep deprivation
A failed romance
Beauty and non-duality
Instagram and boredom
A kiss denied
Random thoughts while Diablo III is downloading...
Nina (2006-2022)
The end of this chapter
Mind readers
Niagara Falls
Beauty and utility
Photos from a bike ride
When you encounter obstacles
Family and genes
Heading to Toronto
Leaving Montreal
Two pictures
Looking for serenity
A visit to my grandmother
Speaking to strangers
A dream about being overwhelmed
On being strange
The funeral is approaching
Shopping lists vs shopping wanderings
A failed escapade
Saying no
Letter from my mother
The experience of beauty
A revealing letter
The seasons
The butler
Accepting praise
A warning issued
Completed and uncompleted work
Watch the movie
Current state
Sacrifice existence in order to exist
Things are not as difficult as before
The present moment
Break day
Connection and disconnection
Back to the apartment
A weekend break
A raft that is meant to sink
A visit to the doctor
Finding meaning in random events
What I appreciate?
Learning to step into conflict
It's time to wake up
A moment of insight
Things I've learned about the dark side of the divine feminine
A dream about coming home
Taking my grandmother to the yoga studio
What is it like to be you?
Endgame decided
After despair, hope
The Curling Club
Stream of despair
Status and dominance
Lightness in darkness
Status update to my family
Navigating towards the pole star
Resist not evil
Inhale, exhale
Opossum playing dead
The stress treadmill
What kind of dog would you be?
You can't please people out of anger
Nightmares and dementia
Dream replicas
What's in it for you
Québécois candidness
Dreams and dementia
My grandfather
Chapter Montreal
Closing well
Peregrinación a la basílica de Guadalupe
Dealing with avoidance
Future sensing review, 2020
And again
Without electricity
How to make a good mission great
Old friends, old places
Personajes famosos y
Todo lo que soy, son imaginaciones
Despreciar es meterse en la tarea de los demás
¿Qué es
sentirse saludable
Doctor Google
Enfermedad física y espiritual
Días nublados
El ego carga la llave para abrir el corazón
Mares turbulentos
El yo-crítico
Carta para mi prima Helen
El cuerpo natural
Una taxonomía de los sueños
flujo de la consciencia
Palabras para mi tío Tito
Short story: El defensor de damiselas en apuros
Todo es trabajo
Essay: The Ideal of Lao Tze's Ethics
A fall from the rope
Phone calls (stream of thought)
Boredom is the mother of all invention
Essay: The inward exploration
Quarantine log: experiment ended, reality begins
Quarantine log: Unsolicited help
Quarantine log: Mom's visit
Quarantine log: Noon
Quarantine log: experiments
Quarantine log: Water
Quarantine log: prelude
Time to stay home
Washing hands
Unconcerned action
A day without women
Random Thoughts on Psychology
At the noon of life
A dead rooster
The Symposium
Writing exercise: Keyboard meditation
El despertar de la conciencia
Mi esencia eterna volverá a su origen
Mi verdad
No se puede disfrutar de bailar sin sentir
Despierto. Parpadeo, perplejo.
Atravesando la Sierra de Gredos
Describe lo que conforma el tapiz de tu propia conciencia.
El día en que nací...
On chivalry
Computer repair technician
Riding waves
Writng exercise: Devotional writing
Tales of fire and devotion
Writing exercise: Exploring the senses
Some writing prompts
Writing exercise: Stream of thought
Writing exercise: Spontaneous poetry
Writing exercise: documenting the thought process of a decision
Registering experience chronologically
Blind stream of thought
Predictions instead of resolutions
Placing pieces of the puzzle
Spontaneous essay
Exploring the shadow
Sensing the future (an alternative to new year's resolutions)
A glimpse of the true shadow
Learning from the shadow
Live thinking
Pleasure and pain
On expressing emotions
Christmas meal
Short story: The Creative Reincarnation
Projects as small talk
Wisdom and spirit
The day ahead
Stream of thought
An actual work log
Tying a rope to a tree
Impromptu poetry
Palm tree
Inner and outer self portrait
A mind that worries
Poison or medicine
Video experiments
Let's explore this path for a while, it looks promising
Journal III
A ladder
Journal II
Journal I prompts
Carta de reflexión
Exploring the senses, interrupted
Step out of the center
Recount of the day
Collaboration and cleaning
Moving forward
Today is the day
Writing as therapy
Registering thought
Sorting stones
I am exhausted but happy
The flood took everything
Imagination vs reality
The garden
Third night in a row without electricity
Impending sense of flow
Back in college
Heal or Sacrifice
Gym progress explorations
Beyond the superficial
House of spiritual exercises
Personal Library
Back home
Indignation without action is poison
Chinese box
The Higher Shelter
Spiritual cognition
Artist Box
Cancún → Puebla
Singing bowl
Zangarrón Mask
Discarding sacred objects
Intolerance to intolerance to tolerance
On working with love
Stomach hands
It's time to polish my writing
Lightness and darkness
A "lost" passport
A dream about writing again
From my phone
Observing emotion
Excalibur biface
A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind
Consistent people
A stone in the shoe
Santillana del Mar → Comillas: confirmation that it is time to leave the camino
Requejada → Santillana del Mar: Altamira
Santander → Requejada: compassionate doctors
Güemes → Santander: rapture with nature
Castro Urdiales → Güemes: a spiritual teacher
Castro Urdiales → Laredo: everyone is sitting down for breakfast, I am in a corner writing
Pobeña → Castro Urdiales: the ego assigns spiritual tasks
Bilbao → Pobeña: Who am I? Not this, not that, yet everything
Larrabetzu → Bilbao: empathy vs experience
Guernica → Larrabetzu: walking is seeking inner freedom
Ziortza → Guernica: Eau de José
Markina → Ziortza: how to meditate
Deba → Markina-Xemein: disposing sacred objects
Zumaia → Deba: a nude, thirsty encounter
Oriol → Zumaia: love people, not things
Pasai Donibane → Oriol: God as an architect
Irún → Pasai Donibane: when in doubt, reduce suffering
Hendaye → Irún: the inner narrator
Sare → Hendaye: a car that drives ten thousand Km on a single tank
Urdax → Sare: create rather than destroy
Berroeta → Urdax: news from direct experience
Olagüe → Berroeta: we lie in the direction of our desires
Pamplona → Olagüe: chemical reactions
Puente La Reina → Pamplona: if you were locked up for a year in solitary confinement
Monreal → Puente la Reina: will it be worth it?
Sangüesa → Monreal: a good thing or a bad thing
Artieda → Sangüesa: if life was like walking
Arrés → Artiega stillness and beauty
Santa Cilia → Arrés: mirrors of ourselves
Ena → Santa Cilia: not writing is a lesson in itself
Sarsamarcuello → Ena: clean and foul water
Bolea → Sarsamacuello: who is doing all this work?
Huesca → Bolea: you don't analyze your mind when flowing
Huesca, day 1: creative leaps
Pueyo de Fañanas → Huesca: experiments in handwriting
Berbegal → Pueyo de Fañanas: the texture of the road
Berbegal, day 1: persuasion work
Monzón → Berbegal: Large egos and small egos
Monzón, day 1: pleading a longer stay because of a heatwave
Tamarite de Litera - Monzón: entering the tunnel
Algerri → Tamarite de Litera: farming practices
Balaguer → Algerri: banning firecrackers
Tárrega → Balaguer: yearning vs aversion
Cervera → Tárrega: the spiritual designer
Cervera day 4: fiestas
Cervera day 3: lessons so far
Cervera, day 2: being authentic on social media
Cervera, day 1: meeting a woman travelling to Mexico
Torá → Cervera: let's do something meaningful with the time we have left
Cervera → Torá: An adventure with Françoise
La Panadella → Cervera: settling for a couple of days
Igualada → La Panadella: on getting lost
Montserrat → Igualada: reality or dream, sneaking into a pool
Montserrat: experiencing La Morenata, dinner with Françoise
Moving again
brief observations
Sci-fi scenarios
Pío Baroja's Road to Perfection
Judging experience
Bad taste annoys me
Coincidence or fate
What is your spiritual name?
A change of name