Yesterday yoga was cancelled until further notice. Today it was the gym. Though not a law, all businesses are encouraged to close their doors. Those who can afford it do, but this is Mexico and there's plenty of people hustling their living on the streets and in the markets. Many people live by the day, and not working can be disastrous. A stark reminder to support with whatever meager means I have myself.

On the weekend I had a meeting with René, he presented a vision for which I hadn't considered at all, and I accepted cautiously, because I like to perceive by experience if the premise is valid. Though many perspectives were presented by René, the one that I think merited verification by experience was Writing about your quarantine is therapeutic.

The first time I wrote about the virus it felt therapeutic. But then, as I was seeing my routine being disrupted, I would complain to my blank page and then notice how much of a complainer I had become. Like an echo that amplifies, writing about an experience will make the experience more vivid, and I found myself more neurotic than if I hadn't written at all.

For two days I was not sure the premise was correct. I wrote but didn't publish because they were mere ramblings unworth of reading. I wrote on my notebook and it felt quite nice, yet it is spiritually more instructive to publish than to feel comfortable registering experience.

Today I finally felt the inspiration to publish again, because I understood that the premise is not that it is therapeutic to write about the quarantine, the premise is that it can be, and the process to get there is obtained through experience. I have already discovered that complaining to myself is not a useful release, and that is valuable information.

The quarantine in Mexico is not strict, restaurants, cafés, stores and bars are still open, though judging by the amount of patrons they will close voluntarily soon. Without yoga and the gym nearby, and unreliable venues to work around the city, it is best to accept one's fate, stop complaining, and accept the reality that it is best to remain home.