Walked: 18.1km (60.7km total)

You can get lost both in the physical and spiritual realms. They come from the same source, and manifest in the same way.

¶ You can only get lost if you know where you're going.

¶ How would you get lost if you had no destination?

¶ The step between knowing where you're going and feeling lost is experienced as a leap of intuition: wait a minute, something is wrong here.

¶ Can I feel degrees of lostness? "I feel a bit lost", "I feel very lost", "I'm utterly lost".

¶ Is the feeling of lostness simply anxiety? Could you feel very lost not because of any objective lostness, but simply because you're very anxious?

¶ When feeling you could be lost you seek confirmation that you are on the right path.

¶ When knowing that you are lost you are happy to get back on any path.

¶ Having been lost makes you constantly second guess yourself. You look at the map more than you look at the path. This seems to ease out as you regain confidence.

¶ Urban and natural environments have different constraints, just like rational and emotional environments.

¶ In natural and in emotional environments, the path to a destination is seldom a straight line.

¶ In urban and rational environments, the ideal path is straight, but you'll probably have to make some turns.

¶ In lightness, the universal signpost is the position of the sun (that which radiates energy). In darkness, it's the pole star (that which is fixed).

¶ Both guidebooks and sacred books exchange spontaneity for certainty.

¶ People who don't have a destination will often follow he or she who seems more certain where they're going.

¶ People will pretend to know where they're going because they enjoy being followed.

¶ If you lead and express doubt about the path, people will try to relay you as the leader.

¶ Under most circumstances, the anxiety of being lost vastly overweighs the consequences of getting lost.

¶ People will insist that you don't get off the path because you might get lost. These people have never discovered anything for themselves.