I wanted to arrive early to Igualada and walk. However, I departed at exactly the same time I would have done it the day before, at 3pm. I was going to write that I wasted the day, but to tell you the truth I enjoyed my last swim in Barceloneta beach and my yoga practice in the morning before coming to Igualada.

The albergue at Igualada is a completely different place than five years ago. It's a very new building (two years old) which is owned by the city, and it's meant not only for pilgrims but for tourists to come to this city. The bottom floor is occupied by something Spaniards call "centro de interpretación" which a permanent exhibition in lieu of a proper museum. Here they have a reproduction of St. Ignatius of Loyola's garments as a pilgrim:

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One day I hope to walk as lightweight as that (but with upgraded equipment, those were some tough guys).

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After I checked into the albergue I went to the pool. Five years ago the pool was empty and—being there alone—I was able to dive in the pool, recording myself while doing it. But this happened because the pool was closed and I sneaked in. I wondered if they would allow me to do it if I asked for permission.

I approached the young lifeguard and asked him about the rules for diving. Flips were not permitted, of course. But I could tell he was enthusiastic about my plight. "Let me talk to my supervisor" he said, pointing to a man sitting speaking on the phone right next to him.

The supervisor never got off the phone. The lifeguard approached me and said "just do it, he doesn't care", and since I wanted the same shot I performed it right in front of the supervisor. I flipped back but didn't have enough momentum to land on my feet, and landed straight on my face instead. As I came out the water, the lifeguard saw that his supervisor indeed didn't give a shit, and told me to try again. I landed on my face a second time.

I was strangely ecstatic with this outcome. Landing on my face felt right for this stage, I was not embarrassed. The most difficult part about it was asking permission to do it.