Artieda → Sangüesa 32.2 Km (430.1 Km total)
Every day on the way offers a new destination which is part of a larger destination, every day in life offers a new task which is part of a larger task. If life is performed in the same manner that the way is walked, the following could be observed:
- It's better to begin the task early.
- If you perform the task as quickly as possible, you're missing the point.
- You should be capable of performing the task alone. Not that company is not welcome, but being unable to perform your task in solitude is a sign of spiritual illness.
- There are better times of the day in which to perform the task. These depend largely on the season.
- Some days the task is thrilling, others it's a drudge. The influence of outer factors (set and setting) count as much as inner ones (mood and energy).
- It's normal that some days the task is a drudge. The larger task, however, should not.
- The task is best completed at a steady pace with few breaks at beautiful places. On occasion, it's also fun to complete the task in quick bursts with frequent recovery breaks.
- While at your task, carry the least baggage possible.