Gah, I dislike writing my work logs when I only have gloomy feelings to report, especially unwarranted and whiny. The weekend was more of the same autistic loop. Getting high and going to dance. Feelings that perhaps I won't be successful creating a new game and I should use my time differently. On what, on the autistic loop?

I have been meditating bits here and there and it is keeping me sane. I quit smoking tobacco two days ago, it's been mostly painless. I signed up for Tinder like five days ago, no matches. I deleted it just now. I try it every couple of years, always disappointed. When I go out I can flirt but I can't take it any further. Why do I obsess about this so much? I juggle so many of these useless thoughts during the day, it's better to notice the breath and find some peace from radio ego.

I don't feel like working today. Is there any way in which I can bargain Monday off? I don't think so. But the sun is shining outside, I could go to the park or to the beach. I know what: I will work just an hour and see if this feels right. I tried working, today it will be useless grind. I will take the day off. The boss inside me tells me I shouldn't be allowing this worker not to work simply because he's not feeling like it today.

The forecast says the nice weather will last until today. I will go out and meditate for as long as I can. That's the best I can do today.

Oh I just snapped scholastic chapel of sorts when I came to work to the library in the University of Barcelona. This will be the perfect place to meditate.