Meditation: none, I sat down to work late and felt I would lose even more time. Now I slightly regret it in a good way, I don't think I'll miss it again.

My friend weed came to visit again for the Day of Cataluña break. I don't want these daily logs to become registrations his visits, but at the same time I want to acknowledge it. Also add that I was bored by his visit, things quickly devolve into "the autistic loop" in which days are random but unrewarding and ultimately uninteresting. I will settle on reporting on his visits on days in which he is not welcome, that is working days.

As I don't have much to write about, I will post the questions that I asked ChatGPT during my walk. I found AI a very useful companion, though I wish I had remembered my companion more.

What is this symbol?


The symbol in the image you provided is known as a Christogram, specifically the Chi-Rho symbol. The Chi-Rho is one of the earliest forms of christogram, and is formed by superimposing the first two Greek letters in the name "Christ" (ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ) — Chi (Χ) and Rho (Ρ). This symbol was used by early Christians and has been associated with Jesus Christ and Christianity as a whole.

In bullfighting, what is the approximate ratio of indulted vs killed bulls

In bullfighting, the ratio of bulls that are indulted (pardoned) versus those that are killed is quite low. On average, only about 1-2% of bulls that enter the ring are granted an indulto. The vast majority—98-99%—are killed as part of the traditional bullfight.

how much does a male human head weight on average

On average, a male human head weighs about 10 to 11 pounds (4.5 to 5 kilograms). This weight can vary depending on factors like the size and density of the skull, muscle mass, and fat distribution. The brain itself weighs around 3 pounds (1.4 kilograms), and the rest of the weight comes from the skull, skin, muscles, and other tissues.

do dogs of the opposite sex fight less?

Dogs of the opposite sex tend to fight less often than dogs of the same sex. This is particularly true when comparing intact (non-neutered) dogs. Male-male aggression is more common, especially among intact males, due to competition for dominance or territory. Female-female aggression can also occur, but it is often less frequent and usually more intense when it does happen.

do you know anything about embodied morality?

Yes, embodied morality is a fascinating concept that intersects cognitive science, philosophy, and ethics. The idea is rooted in the broader theory of "embodied cognition," which suggests that our cognitive processes are deeply influenced by the body and its interactions with the physical world. In the context of morality, embodied morality suggests that our moral judgments, decisions, and values are not just abstract principles but are grounded in our bodily experiences, emotions, and the ways we physically interact with the world.

what do you call a bunch of grapes

A bunch of grapes is commonly referred to as a cluster of grapes. This term describes the grouping of individual grapes that grow together on a single stem.

what is the opposite of kindness?

The opposite of kindness is cruelty. While kindness involves compassion, generosity, and consideration, cruelty is marked by a lack of empathy, harshness, and a desire to cause harm or suffering.

Translate this


The Latin text in the image reads:

Quicumque oraverit in loco isto exaudi Domine de habitaculo tuo et propitiare.

This translates to:

"Whoever prays in this place, listen, O Lord, from Your dwelling place and be merciful."

This inscription is a prayerful invocation, commonly found in places of worship, asking for divine attention and mercy for those who pray there.

If you hold your pee while you're thirsty, will that help your body recover some of the water in the pee?

No, holding your pee won't help your body recover any of the water in it. Once your body has filtered waste and excess water into your bladder as urine, that water is no longer available for reabsorption. Holding your pee doesn't allow the body to reabsorb water; it only increases the risk of discomfort, bladder infections, or other urinary tract issues.

Do animals find some of their mates more attractive than others? Do they experience beauty in the same way humans do when we look at somebody we like?

Animals do show preferences for certain mates, which can be seen as a form of attraction, but it's not quite the same as the human experience of "beauty." In many animal species, certain traits are favored because they signal health, fertility, or strong genetics. For example...

How did Schopenhauer read Baltasar Gracián

Arthur Schopenhauer, the German philosopher, discovered the work of Baltasar Gracián, a 17th-century Spanish Jesuit and philosopher, through translations. Schopenhauer was deeply impressed by Gracián's aphoristic style and his insights into human nature, which aligned with Schopenhauer's own pessimistic and realist philosophy.

The key text by Gracián that influenced Schopenhauer was "El Criticón," a philosophical allegory that examines human folly and the pursuit of wisdom. However, Schopenhauer particularly admired Gracián’s work "Oráculo manual y arte de prudencia" (The Art of Worldly Wisdom), which is a collection of 300 aphorisms offering practical advice on how to navigate the complexities of life.

Tell me about Cervera’s devil festival

The Aquelarre festival began in 1978 as a way to celebrate Catalonia's folklore and traditions. It draws heavily on themes of witchcraft, demons, and medieval myths, reflecting the region's deep-rooted cultural history. The name "Aquelarre" itself is derived from Basque, meaning a gathering of witches, and the festival is designed to invoke the atmosphere of a nocturnal, pagan celebration.

[...] One of the most anticipated events is the summoning of the "Macho Cabrío," a symbolic figure representing the devil or a male goat, who presides over the festival. This ritual, accompanied by fire and music, is a dramatic portrayal of the battle between good and evil [ChatGPT avoids saying that the goat has a huge penis and when ejaculates foam over the crowd].

What do storks eat?

Storks have a diverse diet that primarily consists of small animals. They are opportunistic feeders, meaning they eat whatever is most readily available in their environment. Here’s a breakdown of what storks typically eat...

Why do farmers put nets over apple trees?

  • Protection from Birds and Animals
  • Hail Protection
  • Insect Control
  • Sunburn Protection
  • Wind Damage Prevention

Which philosopher cured his mumbling by speaking with rocks in his mouth?

The philosopher you're referring to is Demosthenes, a prominent ancient Greek statesman and orator. According to historical accounts, Demosthenes had a speech impediment and struggled with public speaking. To overcome this, he devised several techniques to improve his oratory skills. One of the most famous methods was practicing his speeches with pebbles or small rocks in his mouth.

What was the population of Athens in the time of ancient greece?

The population of Athens during the height of ancient Greece, particularly in the 5th century BCE (the Classical period), is estimated to have been around 250,000 to 300,000 people. However, this figure includes not just the citizens but also the resident foreigners (metics) and slaves.

Are almonds related to peaches?

Yes, almonds and peaches are indeed related. Both belong to the same genus, Prunus, within the Rosaceae family, making them botanical cousins.

Are unripe figs safe to eat?

Unripe figs are generally not safe to eat because they contain a milky sap called latex that can be irritating to the skin and digestive system. This latex contains enzymes like ficin that can cause a burning sensation in the mouth, throat, and stomach, as well as potential allergic reactions in some people.

Do you know why they would hang a bucket with seeds and the bucket has holes in it?


This setup is a controlled method for feeding or attracting wildlife, typically used in hunting areas or for wildlife management and observation purposes. The design ensures the feed lasts longer and is distributed evenly over time, attracting animals to a specific spot without allowing them to consume everything immediately.

Can you identify this mushroom?

Untitled 2.jpg

This mushroom is very likely from the Gymnopilus genus, specifically Gymnopilus junonius, also known as the Spectacular Rustgill. This species is known for its vibrant orange to reddish-brown coloration and its growth on decaying wood or at the base of trees, which matches the habitat seen in your photos.

Important Notes

Toxicity: Gymnopilus junonius contains psychoactive compounds (like psilocybin), and some related species in the Gymnopilus genus can be toxic. It is strongly advised not to consume wild mushrooms unless they have been positively identified by an expert as safe.

Identification Caution: Mushroom identification can be tricky and sometimes requires a spore print or other microscopic characteristics to make a definitive ID. When in doubt, consult a local mycologist or use a reliable identification guide.

[I didn't eat it]