I think the weed haze has run its course, or so I hope. It's utterly strange wanting something and then hating it shortly after you have it. I suppose it would be like a sexual encounter with a very attractive but unpleasant person.

In the past few days I've written that I was introverting into my body. I have a small degree of scoliosis. It used to be much worse, but five years of yoga have done wonders. I seem to have developed the interoception necessary to understand the position of my spine and self correct its position.

I still don't know if I'm unto something. I am skeptical I have discovered anything new. In this video I demonstrate how my spine was one week ago, and the last clip is from today.

Yesterday I found a place where my body begun shaking. These places are becoming increasingly rare, and I delight in finding them.

Later that day I went to Plaza St. Jaume to watch the human towers Catalonian people practice, and I evidenced a fall (don't worry, nobody was hurt, they are trained for this).

Funnily enough, the same shake caused the collapse.