Walked: About 28Km (not correctly registered on my phone).


Yesterday I was explaining myself to another pilgrim as we walked:

Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing the right thing by walking. But then I think: I would rather go back to Mexico with some hope and no money, rather than going back with some money and no hope.

As we explain ourselves to other people we clarify our own ideas and commitments.

For the last three days I've been walking in a group of six people, it was only us on this way. Today, a new pilgrim showed up at the albergue after we had arrived. He possessed that "I don't need you and I'm not interested in you" energy. I recognized it as the outsider energy I feel in myself.

I welcomed him and after a brief introduction I asked him if he wanted to join the communal dinner with us tonight. I would be cooking burritos and he was welcome to join in. His demeanor changed and he relaxed.

As I get to know others I see parts of myself in everyone. What I communicate if often the opposite of what I need. It's very instructive, but that's not the purpose of my interactions. I think I'm not operating with an agenda, but I put that into question because of how our motivations work.

I'm enjoying the process.
