I seem to like Madrid much more than I like Barcelona. I can't really justify this opinion objectively, it's just how each city makes me feel. While in Barcelona I wanted to go back to Mexico. In Madrid I want to stay in Spain.

Today I used the morning to settle into my friend's apartment, send some emails, prepare myself lunch. When I was ready to leave the apartment it begun raining. Then I signed up for an online course that my former therapist—a Sufi psychologist—is imparting, it's about Psychology and Spirituality and I might write some notes here as I go through the course.

When it stopped raining I went to Tempo del Debod and I had my daily meditation there. It's almost strange that I have been consistent with this. Meditation is wonderful, but filming myself doing it is completely useless and uninteresting. It adds challenge to my meditation because I'm worried someone might steal my phone, and yet I feel almost a compulsion to do it.

After the meditation I had a burrito for dinner, then I went to a yoga class. It was a nice pleasant day.