Yesterday I went to the police to report my phone was stolen. I had made an appointment, but when I arrived a policeman made me aware the date was for tomorrow, not for that day. But he was waiting for a guy come in to report his bike stolen, and if he didn't show up, he would attend me. He would give him 15 minutes of tolerance.

While we were waiting I overheard the policeman chat with a colleague: there's nothing we will be able to to about the bike, it's as good as gone. I thought the same about my phone. My insurance doesn't require me to file a police report. Once you report your phone as stolen to insurance, its contents are erased and it belongs to the insurance company. I don't know why I wanted to report it anyways, perhaps a feeling that a crime was committed and it needed to be reported.

The guy arrived with 1 minute of margin, and the policeman explained to him that he was just about to give his turn to me. He excused himself with me, which I waved away and wished him good luck.

After the police station, which was in Barceloneta, I went to the library to write something, then I went to the beach, then to the calisthenics park, then back to the library to write something else. It was a nice pleasant day of both work and leisure.

I came back home knowing I would have trouble sleeping, so I bought a 1 euro ticket with a free beer into a nightclub which I had wanted to check out since a long time ago. Since I didn't have my phone, I had to go to a print shop to print the QR code.

At night I went to said nightclub. It was completely empty, except for a single table of a bored group of friends. I went to the terrace and for the first time in the day I wished I had weed. That would make this event less boring. Wait a minute, the solution to a boring event is not to have weed, I should just leave! And so I did, I finished my beer and walked back home.

At night I could barely sleep. It happens when I don't smoke. In the early hours of the morning I got out of bed having barely slept, I put on shorts that I found in my drawer, and inside the pocket of my shorts was half a joint which I knew was somewhere, but I had lost a couple of days ago.

I decided to smoke it so that I could sleep. The buzz was not pleasant, and the sleep was not restful. Today I went to the police at the right time and date for my appointment and came back home to have a long nap. It feels much better to be grounded rather than high, so this little exception wont dent my commitment, or so I hope.