Walked: 49.2 Km

Today I had the chance to end my day's walk at a hotel in the middle of nowhere. I sat down at the entrance and debated with myself what to do. It was 3pm, and the next place to sleep was 4 hours away walking. I heard all the reasons I was giving myself to stay:

  1. It's my first day walking (after a break) and I have to ease into it.
  2. It's the hot part of the day and it's best to avoid the afternoon sun.
  3. I'm already tired, 4 hours of more walking would be too much.

I couldn't come up with good reasons to keep on walking. But then I had a sort of inner rebellion, and I felt tired of being so soft on myself. Not in an angry way, I just stood up and told myself "c'mon, let's go". And here I am, writing tired as hell from Cervera after walking almost 50Km.

Again, a voice inside me is saying "you are too tired to write, it will come out better if you just go to sleep and write tomorrow", but I want to experiment challenging this inner voice. I don't care if it's right or wrong, I just want to know I can override it. So here I am, writing a brief entry because I'm tired.

I will upload media tomorrow, there are more people in the dormitory and they will want to sleep soon. Sometimes the voice will advise well.