
After the walk Barcelona feels like a very different place. Everything is more vivid and real. My attention is sharp and I no longer lose track of what I'm doing. My mind is quiet and there are no doubts. I can't say I am confident, I'm simply more natural. I feel more like myself now.

One of my first tasks was to send a letter to h0p3:

Dear h0p3,

I came back to Barcelona yesterday to find a delivery attempt notice in the mailbox. The notice indicated the delivery had taken place on the 12th of August, just two or three days after you sent it! (I can't find the reference in your Carpe Tempus Segmentum at this time, I do remember reading it though). This means I left to walk two days after the beads arrived, and I wasn't home when mailperson tried to deliver them :(

There's a 15 day window to pick them up before sending the package back to the sender. Of course I had inquire at the mail office if they had really been sent back. I did this morning and they confirmed it.

I'm disappointed, but I'm more concerned that the beads make the way back to you safely. It was a very kind act and I would be very sad if they somehow get lost in transit. It is fortunate that this is Spanish correos and not the Mexican Postal Service, otherwise I would already be grieving them. Hoping that they make their way back to you with some extra swagger after vacations in these lands.

In the end we didn't need a physical token to intertwine our stories. My idea of you and your approach towards the other were very present in my walks. I am certain my journey would have been more of self-absorbed should you have not sent me that brief email as I was trying to reignite my flame on my first attempt walking. The re-encounter with you was four years in the making for a reason. You are a gift to us and to the world h0p3, thank you.

In my mind and in my heart my spiritual journey is still ongoing by walking into the creative realm. I'm currently sitting at the library catching up with personal and administrative chores before I start coding a new game. I very much want to answer your beautiful letter, and thank you for freeing me from the responsibility of doing so, I'm just postponing it until I feel I have reached the end of this journey.

Truly yours,


Once I actually start coding I will start posting on the work logs of Method of Action. It's been such a long time since I've posted about actual work and looking forward to it.